12 Little Things...
...that can help you manage your weight!
1. Quick snack.
A quick, low-fat snack is good anytime.
2. Thirst vs. hunger.
Many of us misinterpret thirst as hunger. Drinking plenty of water (an 8 ounce glass every 2 hours) will help you keep from overeating.
3. Avoid eating from the bag.
Don't eat directly out of a bag or carton. Place a normal amount on a plate or in a bowl.
4. Graze throughout the day.
Eating several small meals a day helps keep your blood-sugar levels stable so you suffer fewer highs and lows. Carry healthy, low-fat snacks such as fruits and veggies to nibble on throughout the day.
5. Mix it up.
Make your own low-fat trail mix. Measure out single 1/2 cup servings and place into plastic bags.
6. Stay alert.
We are more likely to munch when we are bored or tired.
7. Move it.
Walk whenever possible. Take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator. Walk instead of driving short distances. [Yupe, try walking from Cal Poly parking lot to the classrooms!]
8. Clean it up.
Do at least 3 physical chores a day and reap the double rewards.
9. Stretch it.
Get up, stretch and move often while sitting at a desk for a long time.
10. Avoid temptations.
Stock up on healthy and low-fat foods for your home. Limit or ban high-fat snack foods.
11. Include Kellogg's Special K Red Berries.
A daily serving of Kellogg's Special K Red Berries can help you manage your weight without sacrificing taste. [I love this cereal, it's like the best cereal ever! I don't mind having that for breakfast AND dinner]
12. Plan ahead.
Get healthy, low-fat recipe ideas.
Source: Kellogg's Special K