Monday, September 20, 2004

"Meta Was Here"

That's what my best friend Meta wrote on my whiteboard yesterday. She brought me salad and we watched Arisan! I didn't notice what she wrote on my whiteboard until this morning [sorry =P].

Biarpun Meta nulis gitu cuma buat fun, iseng, and mengisi kekosongan whiteboard gue. But misalnya she wrote that to let people know that she was in my room, that she wants to be recognized by the people who visits my room after her, or that she wants to leave some memories to me, her lil piglet =]

I've been moving around for the last 7 years. During those times, I met some interesting and unique people, ada yang temen biasa, ada yang jadi temen deket, ada yang jadi kayak sodara sendiri, and of course ada yang akhirnya jadi cowok gue. Each one of those people had left some scars, and yet some beautiful and unforgettable memories. I often wonder how are they doing now. Ada yang udah gak jelas keberadaannya, ada yang emang udah gak pernah ngobrol lagi karna saking lamanya lost contact jadinya agak2 gak nyambung lagi, and ada juga yang masih keep in touch, but because of our busy schedules, it's hard to find the right time to hang out and talk.

Maybe kalo hati gue dibelah [cieeeeeeeeeee...] di situ ada banyak tulisan "... Was Here," to indicates the people yang udah ninggalin begitu banyak kenangan buat gue.