Thursday, September 30, 2004

Thought for Today

"If there were dreams to sell, what would you buy?"

Thomas Lovell Beddoes

*munching brownie candy bar*

I hate this hormone thing! When I was feeling out of this world after lost 20 pounds since May, now I'm feeling awful fat. I haven't been eating right, I had pizza and salad for lunch today, and I feel like my thighs are as big as the State of California!

Let's Go Shopping

Lagi pengen shopping nih. I need a new backpack or sports bag, a BIG bag. I just realized that all of my 4 classes are on the same days, and kayaknya buku2 gue gak bakalan muat di tas yang gue pake sekarang ini. Males banget deh ngebayangin bawa2 bukunya *sigh* Berat! Belon lagi kalo parkirnya jauh, telat, gak keburu nungguin shuttle bus, and harus jalan ke kelas, hiks2, nasib...

Surprisingly Chilly

I checked the today's weather last night before I went to bed, and today's high is supposed to be 76 degrees. So gue ngerasa gak akan dingin2 banget, jadinya gue cuma pake a light jacket. Ternyata...di kelas gue bisa kedinginan, and begitu keluar dari kelas gue yang terakhir jam 6 tadi, di luar tuh dingin banget! Badan gue kaget =( T'rus di shuttle bus, AC-nya full blast, bener2 gila deh. Jadilah gue duduk meringguk sepanjang perjalanan ke tempat parkir. Bener2 not a good day deh, I'm supposed to be happy that it's not hot anymore.

My Today's Horoscope

"Be ready to shake up your world. Once it happens, you will never be the same. Although the changes will be subtle and slight at first, what they will usher in promises to be a definite turn for the better. Don't worry about what it is or when it will happen -- just be aware that something great is just around the corner, and it's waiting for you. Aren't surprises lovely?"

Wahhh...I wonder what are the surprises, and I do hope that I'll experience some great changes in my life soon.

Waktu Cepet Berlalu Ya?

Kayaknya gue baru started a new quarter, sekarang gue udah harus mikir and milih2 mau ambil kelas apa next quarter, karna biasanya registrationnya udah mulai around the end of October. T'rus I just spent 2.5 months di Jakarta during Summer, and now gue udah diuber2 nyokap gue buat pesen airplane ticket buat December nanti. Waktu serasa terbang aja. Kadang2 gue suka lose track of time, suka lupa sekarang tanggal berapa or hari apa. Kadang2 gue pengen jangan cepet2 ganti taon, soalnya gue masih pengen lebih lama tinggal di US. But kalo ngebayangin betapa bahagianya gue kalo akhirnya gue lulus kuliah, kayaknya kalo bisa waktu jalan secepet2nya deh =P I'm getting tired with school.