What a Day...
Hari ini Meta masuk ke Dorm, horeeeeee! Akhirnya Meta dapet kamar sendiri di Suite-nya, horeeeeee! Akhirnya Meta bakalan beli TV, horeeeeee! Tembok Suite buildingnya Meta warnanya kuning, horeeeeeeeeee! *sinting gara2 kepanasan today*
Akhirnya gue exercised juga today, ngangkut2in barang2nya Meta. Udah 3 bulan gak ke gym, berasa deh napas gue jadi pendek, and gampang capek. But thanks to Meta, hari ini gue anggep hari penyemangat buat gue mulai ke gym lagi, hehehehehehe =P
Gue baru sadar, ternyata gue gak cuma suka ngatur and ngeberes2in kamar gue sendiri, tapi juga kamar orang laen. As long as the person is okay with my idea and stuff, some people hate it when I'm trying to help them, eg. C, we have so different tastes and it's better for him to do everything by himself. So anyway, I can't say that I always have great ideas in decorating rooms, but don't you think I have...the talent? Gue lagi mikir2 mau ambil kursus Interior Design. Gue sih gak mau khusus kuliah buat dapet degree on that major, but kayaknya fun aja kalo ada kursus gituan. I'm preparing for decorating my-own-future-by-the-mountain-or-lake-house, hehehehehe =)