Thursday, October 07, 2004

How Annoying!!!

Entah dari mana datengnya, tiba2 aja di kamar gue ada seekor lalat. Dari kemaren gue udah berusaha nguber2 tuh lalat, udah pengen banget gue gebuk pake majalah. can something so small be so annoying???

Halloween is Coming

Toko2 udah dipenuhi dengan barang2 berwarna orange and item. Seneng sih liatnya, especially since orange is one of my favorite colors, and toko2 itu kesannya jadi lebih "meriah" gitu, hehehehehe =)

But then, seperti biasa kalo udah mau Halloween, film2 baru di bioskop kebanyakan film horror semua. Just like this one movie called The Grudge, I saw the ads on TV three times already, and it is scary! I have to either close my eyes and ears, or change the channel if I have the time to find the TV remote! It bothers me so much, damn I hate that movie ads!!! =(

Will and Grace

I watch the re-run of Will and Grace every day. I love watching that show more than any other sitcoms on TV. T'rus tiba2 gue jadi pengen punya a gay friend. Kalo ngeliat dari that show, gay men understand the way of thinking of both men and women. Kebayang gak sih kalo kita lagi butuh temen curhat, cukup curhat ke 1 orang aja and kita bisa dapet advice yang diliat dari point of view cewek and cowok. How convinience is that?

Also sometimes gay men have better tastes in fashion than straight men! Jangan ngeliat gay men yang pake2 baju and celana ketat ya, gue lagi ngomongin yang kayak Will!