Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Popular Searches in My Network [Friendster, that is]:

  1. Siswi SMP SMA Bugil.
  2. one night stand.
  3. gucci handbags.
  4. nokia 7610.
  5. louis vouitton knock-offs.
  6. sony ericsson k700.
  7. miss hong kong 2003.
  8. japanese babes.
  9. cheap international flights.
  10. how to pay off credit cards.

I wonder who did those searches [#1, 2, 7, 8], guys or...gals? =)

DVDs to Watch

  1. Raising Helen.
  2. 50 First Dates.
  3. Kill Bill Vol. 2.
  4. The Stepford Wives.
  5. The Day After Tomorrow.
  6. Fahrenheit 9/11.

Textbooks for Sell

  1. The Practical Coach.
  2. The Economic Geography Reader.
  3. Macroeconomics.
  4. Physics.
  5. The American Journey.
  6. America Firsthand.

It's so difficult to sell those books! Hiks...Gue udah sebel ngeliatnya di rumah, gak ada gunanya lagi, cuma menuh2in meja gue aja =( I've put them on Half.com, but looks like nobody would ever want those stupid books!