Thursday, November 04, 2004

Thought for Today

"Nothing is impossible, nothing, to men of faith…."

T.S. Eliot

Another Suicide

While some people talked or should I say...complained about the Presidential Election, others talked about the teenage suicide at the Cal Poly Engineering Computer Lab. Just last year, a Cal Poly alumni jumped off the CLA building, which is the tallest building at Cal Poly [I think].

I often wonder why people commit suicide. Personally, I think it's stupid. Doesn't matter how hard or big the problem is, life is too precious to be wasted just like that. Those people who committed suicide apa yahh gak mikirin orang2 laen? Orang2 yang sayang 'ma dia, or orang2 yang dia sayang? Gak mikirin betapa sedihnya mereka ditinggalin dengan cara kayak gitu? Menurut gue, orang2 yang commit suicide itu egois! Gak bisa mikir panjang, maunya jalan pintas aja tanpa mikirin akibat2nya.

But then again, there are times in our lives when we have nobody to talk to or when we feel left out. Gue kasian 'ma orang2 yang harus ngalamin hal itu and akhirnya ngambil jalan pintas. Gue jadi bersyukur punya orang2 yang sayang 'ma gue, orang2 yang bisa gue curhatin kapan aja, or yang bisa diajak gila2an kalo gue lagi stress.

This is one of those times when I'm truly grateful for everything I have.