Monday, October 11, 2004

Thought for Today

"Every day is a good day for wishing."

- Care Bears

How Many Phone Numbers Do You Remember?

"Ginkgo biloba extract also increases the rate at which information is transmitted at the nerve cell level. Since memory is dependent upon the transmission of the nerve signal, this mechanism may play a key role in the memory-enhancing effects of Ginkgo biloba extract."

Gue yakin semua orang udah pernah baca soal Ginkgo Biloba yang bisa ngebantu meningkatkan daya ingat. Well...gue sendiri gak pernah nyoba minum Ginkgo, so gue juga gak tau apakah the statement above is true. But let's say that it's true, menurut gue yang bikin daya ingat kita2 menurun itu tuh kemalesan kita sendiri.

Contohnya nomer telpon, semua orang udah pake yang namanya cell phones. Mau telpon siapa pun tinggal buka phone book, cari namanya, and press call. Simple? It is, but then do you even know the number of the person you're calling? Dari 270 phone numbers that I have in my cell phone, gak sampe 30-nya gue inget di luar kepala. Now, today Cippi left his cell phone at home, so while he was at work, he wanted to call me to ask me something, but guess what...He doesn't remember my phone number! Now that's pathetic!

Are we too lazy to memorize?

Oh No! My Card!

I went to the ATM to withdraw some money. I put in my ATM card, I punched in my PIN, I started to make selections, and when I was about to punch in how much money I want to withdraw, the computer restarted by itself! And my card's inside the ATM! Blah...I can't believe it. I waited for the computer to finish restarting, and took forever! Those ATMs are so slow, believe me. When it finally finished restarting, some texts appeared on the monitor "We regret that this ATM machine is out of order."

I felt like yelling and kicking that ATM!

So I called the bank customer service, and the representative said that the ATM will automatically shredded my ATM card, so I should request a new card. The thing is tadi gue lagi mau ngambil duit dari Citibank-nya Indo! Jadi ribet deh sekarang, nyokap gue harus request kartu baru, which will take 5 business days, then send it over here, which takes another 7 days maybe.

I still can't believe that happened to me!!!