Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Happy Belated Halloween =)

I finally did something this Halloween. Well, taon2 kemaren sih yahhh palingan di rumah nungguin yang dateng for trick or treating, or kalo gak yahh nemenin anak2 rumah keliling2. But baru taon ini, I actually went somewhere to celebrate Halloween. That's sad, huh?

Biarpun kemaren perginya cuma ke Bronco Scare Feast di Cal Poly, at least it's better than nothing. Tadinya Meta ngajakkin ke Queen Mary's, but then when we saw the website, kita udah ketakutan, hahahahahaha. Gue sih jelas2 gak mau pergi daripada gue pingsan dikagetin orang2nya.

But we had fun kok di Scare Feast-nya, tapi gak kebagian fortune teller-nya, hiks2 =( And this is my costume and got selected for the costume contest finalist, didn't win though. I was a Renaissance Sorceress [just in case you have no idea].

Victoria Garden

There's a new mall at Rancho Cucamonga that's incredibly cool! Feels like the Santa Monica Promenade or Downtown Disney, and it's only 10 mins away from my house. Now I don't have to go all the way to Brea Mall or Tyler Mall to buy Abercrombie and Fitch, or Banana Republic, etc. But then I started to worry for having that cool mall too close to my house, I MUST NOT go there to often. Not only because I'm worried I'll spend more money, but also I'm worried I'll gain weight! They have all the good stuff in one place, like Coldstone, Starbucks, Churros, not to mention those restaurants *sigh* The atmosphere amat sangat mendukung buat hang out and eat!

The Art of Polishing

I spent 8 hours on Sunday polishing 72 x 8 = 576 silver rings. Amazed? I am too. Didn't expect I would like polishing that much! Jay needs somebody to polish 14 trays of rings because none of his employees have the time to do that because I admit polishing those stuff takes time. I need an hour per tray, especially because he wants the number one polishing quality job, so I really need to polish the rings carefully. I like to do it though, and I don't mind doing it again if he asks me to. So I should finish the other 6 trays on Tuesday and Thursday.

Jari2 gue jadi kapalan sih, and ujung2 kukunya agak2 sakit gitu. Tapi ada kepuasan tersendiri waktu ngeliat betapa mengkilatnya cincin2 itu setelah gue polish, ahhhhh...
T'rus karna kemaren itu pas Halloween, jadi banyak banget orang yang dateng buat trick or treating. Oh my God, those kids and babies...they're so cute!!! I bought 9 bags of candies, but I still ran out of candy before the mall closed. I guess next year I should buy 15 bags, just in case.


Males...males...males...banget ke kelas pagi hari ini. So here I am, at home, trying to finish my homework that's due at 2 PM! But I'm writing a post instead. Kenapa gue jadi males begini ya? Abis midterm kali, jadinya otak gue mendadak males mikir, and kayaknya roda2 di otak gue lagi karatan jadinya gak bisa muter dengan baik =P

Well...I better continue my homework, I guess...