Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Let's Clean Up

I always have a hard time when it comes to the time to clean up my closet. Biarpun gue tau gue gak bakalan pake baju yang itu lagi or sweater yang itu udah gak pas lagi, tapi tetep aja sayang banget mau get rid of it-nya.

Then I found these great tips from Oprah's website and I thought it might help any of you that has the same problem =)

  • Create three piles: "yes," "no" and "maybe." Jesse says you have to "learn how to let things go back out into the universe. It's the circle of life."
  • To make these three piles, ask these three questions about each piece of clothing: Do I love this? Is it flattering? Is this the image that I want to portray? If any answers are "no," then it belongs in the "no" pile.
  • After making your three piles, understand that are three possible actions. Obviously, you'll keep the "yes" pile and get rid of the "no" pile. In the "maybe" pile, consider creating an archive. This option is for old clothes that you likely will no longer wear, but have sentimental value. It is recommended storing archival items in an attic or basement—but not in your closet.