It's about time to update my blog.
Happy Shopping!
Makin deket ke Christmas, orang2 makin panik belanja. Kadang2 malah ada yang udah gak pake nanya harga lagi, jadi lucu ngeliatnya. Udah 2 hari ini, gue balik lagi ke tempat kerja lama gue, karna ternyata gue gak betah banget kerja di toko diamonds. Bayangin aja deh, gue cuma berdiri2 aja kayak pajangan toko, kalo ada orang dateng palingan gue cuma ber-hai2 doang, t'rus orang laen yang ngelayanin tuh customer. So basically, they pay me for nothing, it's okay at first, but then I got so damn bored! Iya lah siapa juga yang betah cuma berdiri2 doang, and gue juga gak bisa nyalahin mereka because gue emang gak punya knowledge or enough experience about selling diamonds.
But I'm glad I quit though, I like the other job a lot better. I like the people, it's more fun and less stressful. Luckily, they wanted me back =)
Anyway, I love the Christmas shopping rush. Selaen di mana2 tuh sale, gue seneng aja ngeliat people buy stuff for others because it's Christmas and they want to show they care. This is the only month of the year when you don't say, "This will look good on me," "I want this one," "This is so mine." No more
I hear, "This will look good on Sarah," instead.
Nyokap udah balik ke Jakarta hari Minggu kemaren. Sedih deh. Masih kangen soalnya, and sekarang gue tambah2 kangen 'ma keluarga gue, termasuk cousins gue, om2 and tante2 gue, ponakan2 gue yang lucu, semuanya deh pokoknya! =(
I had a lot fun with my mom while she's here. We went out to eat lots of good stuff, yummy =P Hehehehehehe, makanya nih sekarang gue harus mulai ber-diet-ria lagi.
Oh homesick nih!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
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