Friday, December 10, 2004

Setelah berhari2 kurang tidur, kemaren malem abis nulis blog, tau2 gue tewas di ranjang at 11 or 11.30 PM, and bangun2 udah jam 9.15 AM pas alarm gue bunyi. Enak banget bobonya, tapi itu juga masih ngantuk pas bangun, gila deh ah...babi sekali =P

So today's my first day at the jewelry store. Nice people. It's a family owned company, so basically I'm the only employee over there, the others are the owner, the owner's daughter, son, and nephews. Feeling kinda left out though coz even though they speak perfect English, they tend to talk in their own language, but I don't really mind though. Overall, today went okay. All I had to do was watching how they handle their clients.

Oh by the way, anybody knows a good eye makeup remover? I need one ASAP!